Saturday, January 29, 2011

Addy van den Krommenacker: Jungle Book Deluxe

If there was one show this Amsterdam Fashion Week everybody wanted to see, it was the Addy van den Krommenacker show. Last night he showed in a packed hall his new collection. A Show with a capital S. There seemed to be no end, in positive terms, because every time you thought you had seen the last dress another one came around the corner.

Army, jungle and floral prints, prints of trees, glitter and sequins, but also al lot of gold. Van den Krommenacker sent an innovative new collection on the catwalk. ,,I am well known for my use of pink, red and other bright colours. But this time I came across green. I found this beautiful fabric and my first thought was: ‘this is not my colour’. But then it became a challenge to me just to be inspired by this colour.”

Click here for the complete article

Presented by ABN AMRO
Text Simone Lautenbach
Credits: Peter Stigter

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