It’s finally time to Come out and play in style with Roparosa’s newest collection. The airy line consisted sporty yet chic garments, that are perfectly in line with Roos van der Kamp’s earlier collection (Catch as Catch Can Part 1 and Part 2), making her designs recognizable and easy to love.

Elastic waistbands and shiny materials are usually not the first things that pop in my mind when I think of chic or even likeable garments. Probably most fashion guru’s even wake up, every once in a while, sweating after a nightmare that’s called ladies sportswear . A successful design based on these unloved factors is probably equally as rare as hot weather in The rainy Netherlands. But lately the universe seemed to redefine her conception of rare since in the newly tropical lowlands it’s nothing less than unbearably hot and Roos van der Kamp showed a stunningly tasteful collection based on sportswear.

Besides the obvious sports references, also the geometric and futuristic shapes of Come out and play were hard to miss. The sharp angles and the heavier materials gave the collection a mature and fierce feel. That combined with the sport influence resulted into amazing showpieces that belong on AIFW’s catwalk. The best of both worlds: the crowd that witnessed this unusual mixture was probably just as astonished as the discoverer of the Peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It’s uncommon but delicious.

Photos by Aram Goudsmit - www.persmoment.nl
Written by Karin Aalberts
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