Under it’s own roof SPRMRKT threw an event in collaboration with HTNK. The ground floor of SPR Specials at the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal is now home of the pieces of several intriguing designers. For two months the SPR Special clothing has to make room for this pop-up-store concept furnishing the store.

‘I’ve spend one and a half year designing the perfect boyfriend jeans, I was frustrated that women wore those big jeans without any shape, so I wanted to make a boyfriend jeans that accentuates the bottom and shapes it’, thus an excited Sammy Cruden, designer of C.Cruden. Next to the jeans hangs a fabric bag with a plastic holder, ‘My inspiration is everything. I had this idea for a bag and when I was walking my dog I saw this piece of plastic from a bag, the ones you get in a store, I pieced it together and voila’.
It seems that behind every item of this designer lies a story. Even a size ‘none’ (because: unisex) white shirt turns out to be quite remarkable when Cruden tells that it comes with a special dye-kit. When bored of your white shirt, you put on your face mask and transform your shirt in another colour. Also in little boxes available; a leather lace and a button ring. ‘Both are for multiple use, that’s what’s important in my clothing the ability to wear it in different ways’.

The style of Conny Groenewegen is described as androgyne and feminine. An odd combination at first but Groenewegen explains how those two can perfectly go together, ‘I see feminine as being vulnerable and dynamic, a woman has to be able to move in her clothing, it’s not about being comfortable but it’s about giving the body room to move. The other side is androgyne, right-angled and strong. Maybe they are the opposites of each other but that makes it so interesting to put them together and create something that is both’.
Groenewegens pieces are a play of feminine and vulnerable versus androgyne and powerful, ‘That’s the most important quality of my clothing, a transparent dress with strong shoulders and big cufflinks’.

The in 2008 at Artez graduated Elsien Gringhuis has a thing for geometric shapes. The black satin shirt she’s wearing is from her own hand, ‘Everything I design has to be something I would want to wear’. The constructed clothes of heavy material appear to be rough but often contain a subtle detail.

Photos by Vincent Kos
Written by Karin Aalberts