Individuals today gave a glimps of what their collection that will be on the catwalk Thursday looks like. The line that carries the name Some dream of running away to the circus is inspired on.. guess what; the circus. Individuals made sure that they didn’t give too much away of the actual collection but one of the designers of this newest collection of Individuals, Lisa Whittle assures us that the show will be more daring than the shows before, ‘It’s is a bigger show and also more risky and experimental, it’s a little less on the safe side’.

The eight AMFI students that designed the new collection for Individuals; Lisa Whittle, Selina van Grondele, Steffi Dekkers, Marleen Hilbrink, Xiawen Ji, Blathnaid Geoghegan, Catelijn Visser en Doortje van den Heuvel. (Not in right order)
‘The pieces are frivolous and playful. It’s a normal girl during the day going out at night and let loose. Searching for freedom and airiness. That’s why unlike last season the pieces are very loose. The idea came from a trapeze artist falling down, the pieces we made shape beautifully falling down’, explains Whittle.
Photos by Vincent Kos
Written by Karin Aalberts
loved the pieces! here's my post on the INDIVIDUALS opening event: http://petite-dejeuner.blogspot.com/2010/07/individuals-ss2011.html :)